Monday, July 8, 2019

Monsoon Musings

                       MONDAY MUSINGS                                                 

Today has been quite an eventful day . While walking back to home from school it suddenly started to rain. Luckily, in the morning my mother had insisted that I should carry my umbrella, so Idid not end up getting soaked , unlike a few of my friends . On my way I noticed that the people who were previously sleeping on the pedestrian path were now either covering themselves with a blue plastic or were scrambling to find shelter, to protect themselves from the hard pellets of water pouring down from the sky . Stray animals , such as cats and dogs , strutted around to find a dry spot to rest . Any people who had forgotten to carry umbrellas were standing under the extended roofs of small shops and street side vendors. The animals who had managed to find a dry spot were being evicted by the people who wanted to remain untouched by the rain.

While some were trying to get away from the rain others were enjoying the fresh breath of air the monsoon brought with it. Children are playing in the rain, making paper boats and floating them in the tiny streams of water formed by the cracking of cement and concrete . A group of four to five boys was jumping from puddle to puddle , another group was playing football in the , now muddy , ground . After walking for a bit more I reached my home. As soon as I stepped in , I shrugged the heavy school bag off of my weary shoulder and lied down on my bed .

Seeing the homeless helplessly search for shelter made me realize that not all have cozy beds and a roof atop their head when it rains . The unfortunate animals frantically looking around for a place to hide within to avoid getting poured on by the heavy rains , made my heart melt in pity. Seeing adults run away from the rain and children run around in it made realize of how life fleets away in mere moments , how once these same grown ups would have enjoyed the rain just as much , how the responsibilities of adulthood take away the joys of one's childhood , and of how grateful I am to life itself . I am privileged in ways others are not , for which I am eternally thankful.