Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hinduism And Modern Issues , Part II

Hinduism On The Role Of Women

Conflicted Views And Progress

Women have fought for equality and freedom for a long time. Many religions and cultures see women as inferior to men, which we know, is a false notion. But the question I will be trying to answer today is, "Is Hinduism an inherently misogynistic religion?"

Hinduism is the world's third largest religion, with approximately 1.1 billion Hindus worldwide, and constitutes 15% of the world population. Hinduism is a prominent religion in the Indian subcontinent and surrounding islands. Roughly 95% of the world’s Hindus live in India.

To gain a proper understanding of the views of Hinduism on the role of women it is important that there is a distinction between the religion and the religious society. I will be discussing specifically about the perception of women in Hinduism, the religion itself not the religious society. To draw a clear distinction between religious society and religion I will talk about the writings in holy texts, holy books and the general philosophy of Hinduism. Note that Hinduism is unique in that it’s not a single religion but a compilation of many philosophies and traditions. So it is inevitable that there will be contradictions even if I only talk about the philosophies and views which have been recorded in literature.

The first thing that comes to mind when I say sexism in Hinduism is the Manusmriti. Though it is more of a code of conduct for the religious society I will still express my opinion about it. Multiple manuscripts of Manusmriti have been found, all of which conflict and contradict at a certain point. Such is the case when it comes to the treatment of women. The text mentions that women should be autonomous (9.11 and 9.12), but at the same time asks women to be subservient and never seek to live independently (5.147-5.148). But it is important to keep in mind that Manusmriti is composed based on various teachings of the Vedas themselves, and the vedas aren't misogynistic, so it is very much possible that certain parts of the Manusmriti, which are considered sexist, were added in later.

The Vedas are much more progressive than any other holy books of their times. The Rig Veda grants women the right to property (Rig 3.31.1) and asks to grant your daughter knowledge (Rig 10.85.7), Atharva Veda asks for women to be kept happy and never to make them weep (Atharva 12.2.31). There is no restriction in Hinduism which prevents a woman from becoming a priestess. Brahmavadini is a woman who studied the Vedas after the Yajnopaveetam, and either married or stayed a spinster in further pursuit of Vedic knowledge. The prominent among them were Vak Ambhrini, Lopamudra, Vishwawara, Sikta, Ghosha, Gargi and Maitreyi. Women have also been portrayed as fearless and ferocious warriors. Satyabhama, the wife of Lord Krishna, killed the demon Narakasura, after her husband fell unconscious to the demon's attack. In The Hindu epic Mahabharata, Uloopi was a warrior princess married to Arjuna, Shikhandini too was a fierce warrior who was born female but later transitioned to a male. There are also many women scholars Gargi, Vadava Pratitheyi and Sulabha Maitreyi.

The general Hindu belief is that all creatures living or dead are a part of the Brahman, the ultimate cosmic reality. Brahman, not to be confused with Brahmin (part of the Varna system), transcends all empirically discernible categories, limitations and dualities. This Brahman is genderless, and all beings' souls or Atman are a product and part of this ultimate cosmic being. This means that the soul of every person is genderless and equal to every other person's, suggesting that when we look at the world from a different angle, one that shows us picture much grander the male and female binary, we all are spiritually equal. Hinduism, though it does view the souls of men and women equal, it has contradicting statements when it comes to the role of women, ranging from subservient wives who worship their husbands to knowledgeable scholars and fierce warriors, in each of the holy books and holy texts, making it susceptible to be labelled as misogynistic. Sometimes the misinterpretation or incorrect translation of a single word or prose can change the entire theme. There have been theories that some specific verses and extracts have been added in many holy books much later in the course of time. This could explain the blatant contradictions within the texts.

There are obvious differences between men and women, but these differences do not mean one is superior to the other. The Vedas loudly proclaim that intelligence is God himself (prajnanam brahma). Intelligence should be the rightful guru in this world of conflicting interests and approaches. We should put intelligence or discerning wisdom on the high pedestal in our public and private lives and discard superstition, blind belief and obscurantism. Meaning that there is nothing wrong about rejecting certain  parts of Hinduism which we do not agree with or condone. Hindu holy texts can be simply used as advice and suggestions, or rules and codes to live by. It is a religion which let's the devotees depend on  their own moral and intellectual capabilities when it comes to living life. A composite religion such as Hinduism is flexible and gives you freedom to take responsibility for your life and actions. So to conclude, Hinduism does not view women as inferior , but it does not believe in women being the same as men either. The Purusha (male archetype) and the Shakti (female archetype) are both important but have different roles in the universe.

Hinduism being more of a philosophy rather than religion gives it the distinct quality which not many other faiths can claim, it is ever evolving. Hinduism is not inherently sexist or misogynistic even though it has been , wrongfully, interpreted so. As the perception of the world has progressed , so has Hinduism.