Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Red Lotus Project

Introduction to the project

My school had assigned us a project about plastic disposal, this was before the pandemic broke out, so I and my project partners decided to visit the local sanitation plant.
This picture was taken by my friends and me at the waste disposal facility in our locality.  There we talked to the workers and found out that while people do segregate wet and dry waste, they don't properly dispose of their used menstrual product...
Living in a progressive and well-educated society, although we certainly weren't unaware of the societal stigma surrounding menstruation, we were still shocked to discover another side of this problem. Improper disposal of menstrual waste was a facet of the taboo surrounding menstruation we had never thought of. It was after this visit that we realized how deep-rooted the disposal of menstrual products truly is. 

The sanitation workers had pitiful accounts about how, while being given the necessary equipment to carry out the segregation process in a healthy way, they are simply not able to do so due to the callousness of the residents. We were informed about how they have a proper machine to dispose of sanitary pads, but due to the unwillingness of menstruators to properly wrap their pads/tampons in a newspaper, they are not able to make use of it. Thus, it is all collectively incinerated, the consequences of which are environmental pollution. 

The experience was eye-opening. I can only imagine that if this prevails in a literate, educated society, what the situation must be in parts of rural India. I and my friends wanted to change the situation of the workers for the better. 

So, we started The Red Lotus Project, a project aimed at spreading awareness about the proper disposal of menstrual waste and destigmatizing menstruation. I, Ishita Desai, am a co-founder of it.
 The project mainly focuses on encouraging women to wrap their sanitary napkins properly, and ensuring that the sanitation workers are equipped with all necessary implements to carry out the segregation.

This is the first step in many to come.
Be sure to follow us on our socials to join us on our journey to make change one woman at a time!

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