Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Climate Change : Current Solutions


-Ishita Desai

Climate change is a global issue that affects not only humans but also every other living creature on earth. It is of great importance that we find a solution to these issues . Sometimes the answers to our questions have already been presented and we just have to innovate and improvise.Many individuals and organizations have taken various initiatives to save the environment , such acts inspire the masses and can be further improved upon. Some of them are:

  • Disney's Fight Against Plastic Waste: The company has always had environmental projects. These include the Disney Conservation Fund in 1995 and its commitment to reduce green house emissions by 41 percent in 2017.This year, Disney announced that they will get rid of single-use plastic straws and stirrers in 2019.
  • Eco-City Project: The port city of Hamburg, Germany , launched the Eco-City Project to serve as a new standard for green development. The Eco-City is made to be self-sustaining through the use of several green technologies. These include huge and smaller, vertical wind turbines to power the city .
  •  Lilyfield Housing Development: In Sydney, Australia, a public housing project proved that sustainability and affordability can be in harmony. The Lilyfield Housing Development constructed 88 unit with the environment in mind. This green development was eventually certified with a Five star Green Star rating making it first ever social housing project to get recognition.

These examples make it clear that solutions are available all around us . All we have to do now is work hard to implement them . It is after all our responsibility to save our planet.

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